Karlie | Dog toy Flatinos Mallard
Here you will find all information about your shipping
DHL domestic parcel
shipping method | DHL |
shipping countries | EN AT |
Tax calculation shipping price and free shipping limit | Gross (fixed shipping costs) |
Payment Methods | PayPal, credit card, direct debit, invoice |
Domestic shipping costs | €6.90 |
free shipping from | €39 |
Shipping costs Austria | €12.90 |
Free shipping from Austria | €79 |
Once your order has been completed, it cannot be edited later.
You can return items that you do not want to have to us within 30 days. If you have already paid, you will receive a refund from us.
Get in touch with us and we will send you a return slip if you wish.
Please note that perishable goods are non-returnable and non-refundable.
Karlie | Hundespielzeug Flatinos Stockente
Das Hundespielzeug "Flatinos" hat keine Füllung und ist dennoch weich und kuschelig. Es ist robust genug, um den Beanspruchungen des Spielens standzuhalten. Durch sein Design und den eingebauten Squeaker wird der natürliche Jagdinstinkt deines Hundes angeregt, was zu einem langanhaltenden Spielvergnügen führen kann. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass dieses Hundespielzeug nicht für Kinder geeignet ist.