This is how the right fur care for beautiful fur noses succeeds

We love our dogs and always want the best for our furry darlings. We sometimes forget what defines our animal companions: their fur . We notice this at the latest when changing the coat or when cleaning at home. In order for our fluffy friends to be happy, we also have to take good care of their fur.
But how do I properly care for my dog's coat? What tools are there for this and which ones are suitable for my dog? We explain this and much more to you in our blog!
Why is regular grooming necessary?
First and foremost, it is necessary to keep your dog clean. Brushing, combing and washing not only remove dirt but also loose hair. At the same time, with thorough grooming, any parasites that may be present, such as fleas or ticks, can be identified and the necessary countermeasures can be initiated quickly. Long-haired dogs, on the other hand, need adequate grooming with combs and clippers to prevent the fur from becoming matted. In addition, most dogs have a change of coat twice a year, during which time they lose a lot of hair. In order for this to happen smoothly, intensive grooming is essential during this period.
If the fur is not cared for properly or at all, the fur can become matted and very dirty. If the hair layer is too thick, the skin under the coat does not get enough fresh air, which promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria. The consequences range from a bad smell to purulent inflammation.
How do I properly care for my dog's coat?
The right coat care is very individual, i.e. it depends on the length of the coat, but also on other factors such as activity or the age of your dog. Depending on the requirements and needs of your darling, you have the following options for grooming:
2.1 Brushing and combing
The easiest way to groom your dog's coat is to use brushes and combs. There are many different models for different hair lengths or other purposes. For short-haired dogs, brushes with soft, short bristles, either natural or made of rubber, are usually sufficient to brush out loose, superficial hair and dirt. It is often sufficient to brush the fur once or twice a week. Brushing and stroking have the same effect as a massage and promote blood circulation in the skin. Long-haired dogs, on the other hand, need to be brushed much more frequently, preferably even daily. Wire brushes or combs with long bristles made of natural materials or metal are ideal for long-haired breeds such as Golden Retrievers or Collies to remove loose undercoat.
During the coat change, we recommend special brushes such as the Iris undercoat dog brush , with which you can easily comb out undercoat thanks to the angled wire bristles and thus support your dog with the change of coat.
Another way of grooming is of course bathing. Dirt, grime and unpleasant odors can be rid of very easily. In contrast to brushing, it is more complex because you need more time and tools. First you need a shampoo especially for dogs, because it is more compatible with your pet's skin due to the adjusted pH value. We recommend Lill's "Fine" dog shampoo , which gently cleanses the coat with its natural organic ingredients.
After the bath, you should make sure that your four-legged friend dries off quickly so that he doesn't catch a cold. A dog towel or even a dog bathrobe is perfect for this, preferably made of soft, dog-friendly materials.
Be careful not to bathe your dog too often. For short-haired dogs, only as often as necessary, i.e. only if they are very dirty or have rolled in stinky clothes. Long-haired four-legged friends, on the other hand, can be bathed every 1-2 months, as the long fur can become greasy over time.
scissors and trimming
Shaving is only necessary for long-haired dogs at regular intervals to avoid matting. Likewise for dogs with curls such. B. poodles, as they do not change their coat and their hair grows steadily. Dogs with so-called wire hair, i.e. rough, robust top coat, must be trimmed. Loose hair is gently removed with special trimming tools.
Additional aids and dietary supplements
In addition to the usual care measures, you can use other aids that make grooming easier or otherwise ensure a beautiful coat. For example, an anti-tangling coat spray simplifies the combing ritual. The plant oils it contains make the coat smoother and easier to comb out.
However, oils not only have an effect directly on the coat, but also as a dietary supplement. Full of valuable omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and other vital substances, oil mixtures (such as the organic oil mix from naftie ) make an important contribution to maintaining healthy skin and a beautiful coat.
Turn grooming into a feel-good ritual
Despite all the good tips, you must not forget what is most important when it comes to grooming: it should be fun for you and your darling. Most dogs enjoy their daily grooming to the fullest. No wonder, after all, they not only get your full attention, but also a pleasant massage from the brushing. If you create a calm, relaxed atmosphere for grooming at the same time, it is guaranteed to be the new favorite ritual for your furry friend.
Other sources: gehts