
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 articles
  • Bei PetsFinest gibt es unbedenkliches Haustierspielzeug für Katzen und Hunde.

    Neues aus der Haustierwelt: Unbedenkliches Tierspielzeug mit Unterhaltungswert

  • Pferdeleckerlis sind beliebte Belohnungen.

    Horse treats - healthy or harmful?

    Every horse owner wants to offer their horse the best possible care. A nice way to achieve this is with treats as a reward or to strengthen the bond between you and your horse. But are these treats healthy or even harmful? In this blog post we go into this question and the different types of treats for horses and what you should look out for when buying them.

  • Die bei Petsfinest erhältlichen Hundeleckerlis sind gesund und bringen Deinem Vierbeiner gute Laune!

    Dog and cat treats – how healthy and useful are they really?

    Tasty snacks Whether as a reward for good behavior or just to show your pet some love - treats play an important role in the lives of our dogs and cats. But are these tasty treats good for our pets? In this blog, we explore the question of how healthy they really are, which ingredients you should pay attention to when choosing and how you can use them sensibly.
  • Hundeallergie? – Tipps und Hunderassen für Allergiker

    dog allergy? – Tips and dog breeds for allergy sufferers

    Dog fans like to have their four-legged friends around; but what if they are allergic to them: people with a dog allergy.
    Can you keep your own fur nose despite an allergy? We present the answer to this as well as tips and suitable dog breeds for allergy sufferers in this blog.
  • Pollenallergie bei Hund und Katze

    When the pollens fly - seasonal allergies in dogs and cats

    Can pets also have an allergic reaction to pollen, which is more common in a particular season? How can this be recognized and treated? And how can we support our loved ones? You can find the answers and helpful tips for the allergy season in our blog.
  • So gelingt die richtige Fellpflege für schöne Fellnasen

    This is how the right fur care for beautiful fur noses succeeds

    At the latest when changing fur or when cleaning at home we realize that we also have to do something for our darling's fur so that our fluffy friend is fine.

    But how do I properly care for my dog's coat? What tools are there for this and which ones are suitable for my dog? We explain this and much more to you in our blog!

  • Auch Hunde können von veganem Hundefutter profitieren.

    Finally become vegan for dogs - Veganuary can support you!

    Do you also have the mission to finally become vegan or to try vegan nutrition? Then maybe Veganuary can help you! This initiative is designed to help people go completely vegan in January.
    But what about our four-legged, actually carnivorous darlings? Can you also become vegan and if so, how does that work?
    Find out with this blog!
  • Erkältung bei Hunden – alles nur ein kleiner Schnupfen?

    Colds in dogs - all just a little cold?

    A cold is an annoying illness that catches many in the cold season. But did you know that it can also affect our dogs? But how do you recognize the symptoms of your fur nose? And how to diagnose, treat, and prevent a cold in dogs? We explain that and more to you in this blog.
  • Wandern mit Hund

    Hiking with a dog – our tips for exciting adventures!

    Enjoying nature with pleasant temperatures and good weather not only makes us two-legged friends happy, but also your best companion. In this blog, we explain what you need to pay attention to when hiking with your dog, how to best prepare yourself and what you should definitely not be without in your backpack during your hike so that your adventure together goes smoothly.
  • Tierarztbesuch mit Katze

    Visiting the vet with a cat – no stress with our tips!

    Anyone who loves cats knows that they are actually very friendly, easygoing and cuddly animals. Actually. But in one situation, most cats show a completely different side: at the vet. There, a loving velvet paw can quickly become a nervous scaredy-cat or even an irrepressible scratching brush. No wonder, after all, a visit to the vet is very unpleasant and stressful for cats . But what can you do to avoid this stress for your cat? In this blog, we explain how you can save your cat the stress of veterinarians with a few tips and tricks.