Chicken soup not only for your four-legged friend - also for you

Hunde und Katzen lieben Hühnersuppe.
Pets Finest
Pets Finest

You've probably eaten chicken soup yourself. It is very often prepared for people when we need to gain strength or when we are ill. What about dogs and cats?
Is chicken soup good for your four-legged friend too? Clearly - YES!

Chicken broth also has many good properties for dogs and cats. Not only when your darling is ill, chicken soup is suitable as a support for regeneration. That's why we have a chicken soup recipe for dogs, cats and of course for you too!

In case of illness, the chicken soup is a very good option for both of you. So even if your animal has a respiratory infection or a typical cold, your lovingly made chicken soup will definitely promote the recovery of your four-legged friend. The soup can even work small miracles for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, chicken soup is always good if your darling is somehow weakened after illness or surgery, but also for older furry friends who need to regain their strength.

The broth supplies your four-legged friend with energy and therefore also provides excellent support for dogs that do demanding training or dog sports. You can even take the bottled chicken soup with you on hikes and thus offer your dog both a fluid balance and additional power.

Just take a look at how easy it is to prepare the soup and you and your darling - whether dog or cat - can do something good very quickly.

Ingredient list:

  • Chicken breast

  • carrots

  • potatoes

  • Parsely

That's how it works:

Place the chicken breast in a saucepan with enough water and cook the chicken breast until the meat is white on the outside. Take the meat out of the water and let it cool on a plate. Save the beef broth for later. Slice the carrots, peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces.

Chicken soup for dogs, cats and owners

Step 1:

Skim the fat from the cooled broth and pour the remaining liquid into a container. Measure out approx. 500 ml, pour this back into the pot and boil the meat stock.

Step 2:

Add the carrots and potatoes to the boiling broth. Cook with a tight fitting lid for about 10-20 minutes.

Step 3:

Add the parsley, chopped as small as possible, to the soup.

Step 4:

Cut the chicken breast into small portions and then add them to the soup.

    Now let it cool down carefully - and serve it to your furry friend or simply enjoy it yourself!

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